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Chebucto Community Net uses a hypertext system which allows you to wander from document to document as your interest and fancy lead you. When you are shopping for groceries you would be unhappy if the layout of the store forced you to walk up and down every single aisle to get to the checkout with your toffu and beer. Like a well organized grocery store, hypertext systems are not confined to continuous page after page text. Hypertext allows you to branch to other documents, to provide more explanation or elaboration.
The branches that point to other documents are called `links'. Links are indicated in the text by a link number in square brackets like this [9], and by highlighting if your terminal can display highlighted text. Ideally, your computer will display all the links in bold (darker) type except the one you are on. This link is usually in reverse colour, and is called your "current" link.
You can view the document that your current link points to by hitting the right-pointing arrow on your keyboard. This action is called "following the link". If your terminal does not have arrow keys that work, use the RETURN key, or hold the Control key (often marked Ctrl) and hit the F key. This combination is called Control-F and is abbreviated ^F. Here is a sample link. It is your current link; follow it now.
A single page of a document will often contain a number of links. One of these will be your current link. You can move from your current link to the next link with the down arrow or ^N and to the previous link with the up arrow or ^P.
Here is another link. Use your arrow keys or ^N to make it your current link and then follow it to read more about using Chebucto Community Net. Or, use the back arrow or ^B to return to where you were reading before you started this help document.