August 15-18, 1997 Halifax, Nova Scotia
Workshop only:
Workshop with conference registration:
Daily registration (including lunch): $70.00
**Student discounts available on application.
Name_____________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________Code____________________ Organization_______________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address____________________________________Phone____________________ Please enclose a cheque or your credit card information for the full amount: Registration $__________ Workshop with Registration $__________ Please specify Workshop #1 or #2 Workshop (only) $__________ Accommodation at Dalhousie $__________ (single=$34.00; double=$51.00) Additional banquet tickets: _____ @ $40.00 = $__________ TOTAL $__________ Please complete for Accommodation at Dalhousie only: Time of Arrival_______________________ Time of Departure_____________________ Accommodation is requested for _______ nights. CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Please indicate: Visa_____ Master Card____ Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name______________________________ Signature ___________________________ Expiry Date: ____________________ SPECIAL NEEDS (Please indicate your exact requirements.) Dietary ___________________________ Access____________________________ Deaf interpreter_____________________ Other_____________________________ __________________________________ Please do not mail Registrations Forms after August 1. Registrations will be acknowledged by E-mail after the Registration Form and fees have been received. Your receipt will be included in your registration packet on your arrival. Cancellation policy: $150 refund prior to August 1. There will be no refunds after August 1. Our web site contains current program information and provides an opportunity for you to make further inquiries. If you would like more copies of this Registration Package for distribution, please request them from Truman Layton