
There are six different headers in HTML.

Viewed with a graphics browser, header 1 is the most prominent, and header 6 is the least prominent. Header one is displayed in a very large font, while 6 is displayed in a tiny one.

Lynx has only fixed-size fonts, so it cannot change the size for emphasis. Instead, Lynx shows the Headers in different positions on the screen, to show their relative importance.

Viewed with Lynx, Header 1 is automatically centered.

The others are all offset from the left side of the screen, Header 2 is nearest the left edge and Header 6 is offset most.

Usually, only headers 1 through 3 are used. Headers are used as headings for various sections of a document. They help keep the document organized for the viewer.

This is an example of a

header 1

This is an example of a

header 2

This is an example of a

header 3

This is an example of a

header 4

This is an example of a

header 5

This is an example of a

header 6

Press \ often to check the source codes, and compare them to the way the headers are displayed in Lynx.

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Last modified 1996/04/28 18:33:06 GMT by helpdoc