Fad diets are killing
From the Desk of the Publisher, F. W. Lipschitz
I am fortunate to be now in possession of Adelaide's notes from a source that I am not at liberty to divulge. Her voluminous body of work contains many insights on what we should eat and she was prolific in denouncing unhealthy diets that she said were killing us off like flies. Unfortunately, she herself was one among countless others who meet an untimely end by sampling one too many of these killer diets. Adelaide was only 36 when she went to that junk food outlet in the sky. Her detractors, and admittedly she had
many, said that Adelaide was the wrong person to be a food researcher and
worse as a diet advisor to millions. One, an equally famous nutritionist,
Carleton Fredericton, noted that, "For one thing, at the time of her death
Adelaide weighed over 450 lb. and had suffered terribly from diabetes.
She never admitted to her adoring fans that she had a craving for sweets
of all kinds and, as a result, most of her diets feature recipes containing
unhealthy amounts of chocolate chips in various guises. For example, her
book Breakfast Cookbook for Diabetics features page after
page of recipes — from no-fat pancakes to low-fat yoghurt drinks —
Despite these minor blemishes, her books plus her unpublished manuscripts contain a wealth of information concerning interesting, tasty diets and eating habits of people of all body shapes and income levels. In future editions of The Notional Pest, Online, we shall be excerpting the best of these. Write to Crusty Blanche-Froid by clicking on her name with your own ideas and suggestions. These will be collected and printed in future editions of The Notional Pest, with each contributor's name highlighted in red and underscored ! F.W. Lipschitz, Publisher of The Notional Pest |