Chebucto Community Net operates almost entirely on the volunteer work of a large variety of interested individuals.
The individual work load varies with time available and complexity of the task volunteered for. However, I think it is safe to say that those who have accepted nomination and election to the office of Member of the Board, top the list of dedicated people who keep this group alive and strong. (I am not one of them.)
Next month I expect to have an update on the many projects and problems that have been dealt with by the Board since last spring's Board Notes.
For now, let's all just take a moment to read who these people are and appreciate their efforts, along with the efforts of all non-Board volunteers.
Joan Macintosh
is the the chair of the Chebucto Community Net Society Board of Directors.
Joan acts as a representive of the Board for discussions with governments
and potential funding agencies, she helps resolve policy issues, and
shares responsibility for chairing both Board meetings and general
membership meetings.
Carole Compton-Smith
is the Board's treasurer.
In brief, the Treasurer receives and records any money paid or given to
the Metro*CAN Society, prepares financial reports, gives all financial
records to the appointed auditors for the annual audit, and pays any
bills for expenses incurred by the Society.
Joan Brown Hicks
is the Board's secretary, making her responsible for
minutes and official correspondence on behalf of the Board.
David Trueman
is chair of the Technical Committee which oversees the
operation, maintenance, and development of the technical aspects of the
Chebucto Community Net.
John Van Gurp and Hugh Wright
both members of the Policy on Information Committee which deals with
issues related to the use and abuse of CCN's services. John is the Chair
of the Committee, while Hugh, as a lawyer, provides the Board with legal
services and advice to keep everything good and proper like it should be.
Ben Armstrong
is the current chair of the Information Provider
The IP Committee oversees the ever-growing number of people and
organizations who are helping to make CCN a valuable community resource.
It also ensures that a high standard is maintained for all IP pages.
Robert Currie
is the current chair of the Membership Committee.
The most recent information on this estimates that 1000 new people are
joining CCN every month!
Joseph Baker
is our Communications chair.
This means he has responsibility for keeping the community informed
about CCN, through trade shows, information brochures, and more.
Jan Fullerton
is the chair of the developing Volunteer Committee.
This committee will ideally consist of liaisons from CCN's other teams and
committees, and any other interested individuals.
Doug Rigby
is the chair of the Public Access Terminal Committee,
which looks into the establishment and maintenance of PAT sites in the
area. Doug recently took on the role of chair of the Support and
Training Committee as well, which includes the following teams:
userhelp, help documentation, user training, and IP training.