Just between you and me, the word, or should I say the label, "seniors" is really beginning to irritate me. Would someone out in cyberspace please let me know just what a "senior" really is? At what age do we now become " seniors?" And for whose purpose do we become a "senior?" Personally I prefer to use the term "older adult" when I refer to our clientele at Spencer House. What do you think? Many "Senior Centres" west of Nova Scotia have changed their names to " Age and Opportunity Centres." They also serve a clientele base aged fifty plus, hardly "seniors." Pleae let me know what you think. Should we in Nova Scotia continue using the label "seniors," or do you have any suggestions for a new term? I would love to hear from you on this one. My e-mail address is af088@ccn·cs·dal·ca.
For those of you who are not familiar with Spencer House we are a seniors (there is that word again) drop in activity centre located at 5596 Morris Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 1C2. Our phone number is (902) 421-6131. Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday, 9am - 4:30pm, and Saturdays 10am - 4:30pm. We serve a home cooked hot lunch at noon, Monday thru Friday; the cost is only $ 3.50 for members, and $ 4.00 for non-members.
Spencer House is a Public Access Terminal Site for older adults, for the Chebucto Community Net. This means that if you are an older adult you are welcome to drop in and use the computer, at no charge. You only need an account number with Chebucto, or you can log in as a guest until you set up your account number.
Please let me know if you, or someone you know is interested in providing one - to - one support, as a volunteer, a few hours per week at Spencer House. Wednesday Mornings seem to be a good morning, from 10-noon.