SCN Home Grapevine Spring'95


A Green Cure for Canada's Economic Blues
By WayneRoberts, John Bacher and Brian Nelson

Get A Life! is a highly readable book of green solutions. Inspired by their work with the Toronto-based Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery, the authors have put together a do-it-yourself pep talk for ecopreneurs, community organizers and local activists who want to do something right now, without waiting for governments or big business to do it for them.

This is the book for those who believe strongly in self-reliance (disappointing perhaps for those focusing on government policies and advocacy). The authors claim their ideas could create over 2 million jobs. Get A Life! includes details on over 70 practical projects such as bartering systems, community-supported agriculture, community gardens and renewable energy. It also includes 24 principles of a green economy, a particularly good primer on the subject.

This is an "in-your-face" book; along with governments and big business leaders, there are a few shots directed at eco-yuppies and social activists who think fixing the environment is an 'elite' issue. Get A Life! is an important read for anybody interested in weaving community economic development with ecological restoration and protection.

Get A Life! is available from the Nova Scotia Environment & Development Coalition, 1657 Barrington Street, # 502, Halifax, N.S., B3J 2A1. The cost is $12 plus $2 for postage.

(c) Sustainable Communities Network of Nova Scotia
1657 Barrington St., Suite # 502
Halifax, NS - B3J 1A4
Tel.: (902)422.4276, fax:(902) 423.9736