2. Introduction of guests: Ms. Carolyn McFarlane, Chair, School Board; Mr. David Driscoll, Vice-Chair, School Board; Dr. Gordon Young, Director of Education. Ms. McFarlane spoke first, indicating that she looked forward to working with the District P.T.A. and that parental involvement was important in the context of current moves towards municipal amalgamation and the possible amalgamation of school boards. Mr. Driscoll urged parents to take every opportunity to speak out on behalf of the needs of education, and especially to participate in meetings where amalgamation is being discussed. Dr. Young gave a brief update on the ongoing process of strategic planning, and indicated that the possible amalgamation of school boards makes strategic planing even more important. He then outlined the recent changes in the administrative structure of the School Board, based on moves towards consultative management. The new organizational chart was focused on the administrative council, which operates by consensus and is designed to ensure that all administrators view their tasks from a systemic rather than a territorial perspective. He also answered questions, commenting on the roles of the District P.T.A. and individual P.T.A.s as site-based planning is implemented.
3. Board-District P.T.A. activity. It was agreed that the District P.T.A. meeting of 19 December would be devoted largely to a get-acquainted social function, with members of the School Board invited, and also the members of the Board's administrative council. There would also be an informational presentation on School Board finances, by Mr. Frank Smith, Assistant Director of Education.
4. N.S.T.U. Task Force on Building Partnerships with Parents. Deborah Naugler gave an update on the Task Force's call for presentations. The District P.T.A. will be making a presentation at a meeting of the Task Force at the Teachers' Resource Centre at 7.00 p.m. on 29 November.
5. Constitution. John Reid introduced the proposed changes that had arisen from discussion at the meeting of 17 October. The proposals were: (1) that article 4d read, "There shall be one vote per member"; (2) that article 5b separate the positions of Treasurer and Secretary; (3) that article 5f read, "Quorum, at any meeting, shall be 30% of members"; (4) that article 7b read, "Membership fees shall be set at $20 per annum for each member, and due at the beginning of the fiscal year". After discussion, adoption of the proposals was moved by Marcie MacQuarrie, seconded by Debbie Doyle. The motion was carried.
6. Telephone Committee. Pat Moran has volunteered to organize a telephone committee to ensure good communications with all schools. It was agreed that minutes of District P.T.A. meetings should go to all P.T.A. Presidents and to those signing the attendance list at each meeting.
7. Objectives for 1994-95. The co-chairs, Deborah Naugler and Sheila McGinn, asked everybody to think about the objectives listed in the minutes of the meeting of October 17, and to consider joining working groups.
8. Anti-Racism Committee. Pat Moran reported that Rose Obeid, representative of the District P.T.A. on the School Board's Anti-Racism Committee, had expressed concern that she was not receiving enough input from P.T.A.s. It was agreed that she should be supported in her role on this important committee, and that P.T.A.s should be encouraged to share information on their approaches to issues connected with anti-racism and multiculturalism. Norma Williams, Anti-Racism Coordinator, should be invited to speak to a District P.T.A. meeting.
9. Environmental study. Sheila McGinn reported on an ongoing effort to study the possibility of "naturalizing" playgrounds. A committee on this subject is to meet on 24 November.
10. Minutes. The minutes of the meeting of 17 October were adopted with minor amendments, on motion of Jerry Heffernan, seconded by Debbie Doyle.
11. Indoor air quality. Jerry Heffernan commented on current environmental concerns at Oxford School and Fairview Junior High. He suggested that an updated report be requested from Mr. Conrad LeBlanc, detailing what actions have been taken to date on improvement of air quality in schools and what are the plans for the immediate and long-term future. Deborah Naugler undertook to write to Mr. LeBlanc for this purpose.
12. Qualifications for School Board membership. Denise Dickie expressed concern at the current lack of scrutiny of the qualifications needed to ensure the suitability of School Board candidates, and raised the question of how change could be brought about. Sheila McGinn and Deborah Naugler responded that this matter is covered by provincial legislation, but also noted that the District P.T.A. had urged the School Board to adopt a code of ethics.
13. Adjournment, 9.40 p.m.