Csuite Minutes for Feb. 29, 1996
Helpdoc Indexing - Andrew Irwin
Demo and notes.
- will need a standard to allow authors to exclude certain name
- index will probably be updated monthly - first few passes will
require tweaking
- may need searching subsystems to allow for site
- need a module maintainence system for customized modules
The discussion strayed to the suggestion that wordwrap is needed in pico
Login Timer - Trent Macdougal
classtable file defines user classes based on device used to connect
eg. telnet or modem and user needs eg. IP or regular user
timetable file defines columns:
- user class
- threshold - percentage of modems free to get a time extension
- blackout - time to block user from connecting
- guarantee - time guaranteed, after which user can either
get an extension or be blacked out for a certain time
tshell is run as user's shell to control time limit
kicking off idle users will be handled by a separate daemon
- the blackout time counter should probably not be reset if user
logs in before time is up as it is with the current 2 minute blackout
- may not be fair to allow a user to be kicked off as soon as the
number of modems in use changes
New Csuite Registration - Gerard Macniel
- new improved form and script for online registration
- prototype help docs
Other Projects - David Trueman
- CSuite development business plan almost ready to be sent for
funding application
- xwelcome - welcome page to replace motd being tested
- bookmark links problem fixed
- HyperNews - will be used in the future for csuite minutes and
tech notes for testing before putting it into full usage