
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 23:52:41 -0300
From: Kevin Alexander James Nugent
To: board-minutes

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Metro Community Access Network Society
Board of Directors Meeting
June 7, 1995

Attending: Joan BH, Kevin N., David Tr., David M., Joan M., Renee D., 
Laura J., Bernie H.

The agenda was discussed and a few additions made.

David Murdoch started by announcing that he will resign from the board 
immediately. Speaking for myself and I'm sure for everyone who has been 
involved in the society and CCN to date, I would like to thank David for 
his incredible energy which contributed pricelessly to CCN from the 
moment he became involved.  We will move on, since that is what we do.  
But I'd much rather have you beside us as we continue our journey.  Good 
luck in all you pursue David.

David M. still has 4 PC's donated to ccn to be put into use in some capacity.

SURVEY: David Tr. has made up a question regarding membership pricing in 
the form of an online survey.  It will be of the yes/no type.  A closing 
date is yet to be determined.  It will be accessible by a go command.

It was asked whether we will put to a vote the three questions together 
or have a yes/no for each of the three fee elements.

A motion was made to propose in an electronic vote by members of 
Metro*CAN, a new membership fee structure of $20 basic, $12 youth and 
unwaged, and $40 family.  The motion was made by Bernie H. and Seconded 
by Joan M.  Motion was passed with no dissenting votes.

Active member/users will be notified online of the vote.  Inactives will 
be snail mailed.

Bernie H. wants permission to charge what the banks charge us.

NSFCN:  4 community networks have said they can attend a meeting:  
Yarmouth, South Shore, Wolfville, and Antigonish.  The date will be July 7-8.

David Tr. is getting $1,500 to go to the TC meeting in Victoria.

CIA:  Members and users should be contacted with info on how to vote in 
the CIA.

G7: Joan M. has done a piece for the net cafe brochure at the Highland 
Lounge of the WTCC.

Matthew's project;  There is no public link to the page to date.  There 
is more work to do. We should see about some volunteer help for him.

Cable is into the library but the wrong modems were delivered.
Industry Canada has some spare PC's for us to borrow.

Network Negotiations:  RFP draft was posted by Renee.  The process was 
discussed. We will notify NSTN, then strike the committee and proceed.

Renee D. will repost the letter to members on the RFP committee.

IP Report:  There are 2 categories of misconduct:Violations of internal 
regulations and violations of the law.  If a law is broken we must act 
immediately. Kevin was asked to send info on a user to LJ and HW.

How do we replace David M.?  A nominating committee?  We need to figure 
out what qualities we require in a replacement.  

Bell Canada's request to charge businesses for each minute of a call has 
us concerned.  Should we write to the CRTC?  We will do up a response, 
send it, and post it to hot-topics.  Bernie is asked to take this on.

Should we pay to send someone to Victoria?  We should apply to host the 
'97 conference. I will find out if I am funded for Victoria.  

I will count the Tees we still have not sold.

Next meeting:  Tues June 20@dal.  7:00

Kevin Alexander James Nugent, aa006@chebucto.ns.ca
"All truth progresses through three stages:
- First it is ridiculed...
- then it is violently opposed...
- finally, it is accepted as self evident."
                                     -- Arthur Schopenhauer

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