
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 22:11:33 -0400
From: Kevin Alexander James Nugent
To: board-minutes

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Metro Community Access Network Society
Board of directors meeting
Oct. 25, 1994

Attending: Laura J., Kevin N., Peter H., Renee D., Joan B-H., David Trueman, 
David Towers, David Murdoch, Joan MacIntosh, Bernie H.

The minutes of the previous meeting  were accepted by the board.

Discussion began on the agreement with the government granting the society 
$50k and whether to change it before it is signed.  The decision was made
to sign the agreement.  The board sees the funding as being intended for a 
three month period.  Motion to accept the agreement was made by Peter and
seconded by David Towers.  No dissenting votes were cast and the motion
was carried.

It was agreed that a cover letter would be sent with the signed contract
explaining our understanding of the terms of the agreement.

AGM: Hugh will be posting the amended bylaws soon. There was some 
discussion on what will be required to form a quorum at general meetings 
and how many members will be required to call a meeting.

It was decided that 10% of the members are sufficient to call a meeting and
that 30 members will form a quorum.

Various issues have been clarified by Hugh as to proper procedure during 
general meetings.

Volunteers will be required to notify members who do not have access to
email.  The membership committee will take this chore on.

The meeting will take the form of a business meeting followed by a social
event and perhaps a draw for a door prize.

The board agrees that we will plan to hold the meeting on Thursday Dec.
8 @ 7:30pm.  An agenda will be built online.

The novaknowledge assembly will be Friday and Saturday of this week.  NSTN 
will be supplying a dialin line.  Peter, Renee, David Murdoch, and David 
Trueman will go, and some more people will be polled to go as well.  200 
Copies of an info brochure will be brought.

Communications: everyone welcomed Joan MacIntosh to the board.
Some updates are needed to brochures.  Joan will talk with Peter on this.
Joan asks for significant changes to be brought to the attention of the 
communications committee so that the brochures can be  changed to reflect 

Finally, Joan invited other committees to make as much use of the communica-
tions committee as they see fit.

Upcoming meetings: November 3, at 7:15 and November 9, at 7:30.  Both at 
Joan B's home.

Kevin will report to the board on the NPTN info received from Ellen.

MT&T will meet with some board members on Nov. 4.

There was some discussion of the Provincial umbrella group conference.
The number of regional reps was discussed.  David M. wants a large number
of board members to attend if at all possible.
Kevin Alexander James Nugent, aa006@chebucto.ns.ca
Board member, Metro [Halifax] Community Access Network Society.
Board member, Telecommunaute's Canada/Telecommunities Canada.
"Chebucto Free-Net, a new kind of community."

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