July 27, 1994

Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 19:54:23 -0300
From: Kevin Alexander James Nugent
To: public archive of board minutes

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Metro Community Access Network Society
Board of Directors meeting
July 27, 1994 At David M's home

Attending: David M., Laura J., Renee D., Joan B-H., Kevin Nugent.,
David Trueman.

First subject discussed was the replacement of board members who
have resigned.  Various people were discussed as possible
The decision was made to post an online description of the type of
person needed for each position and then to look at the replies. 
Laura will collect the descriptions and distribute two descriptions
to be approved and then posted.

The to-do list was reviewed and revised.

Mike Martineau:
Has sent a draft press release for the discount he plans to give to
MetroCan members and CFN users.  The board discussed how we want to
receive information from NSTN about who accepts the deal.

Feedback to Peter Henry from everyone is requested on the
informational brochures.

Cape Breton:
Questions were raised about the extent to which CB will be
allowed to use Chebucto Suite given the commercial nature of their
enterprise.  A letter will be sent inviting further cooperation.

David Trueman will contact the conference organizers to ensure that
our hardware needs will be met.

Kevin Alexander James Nugent, aa006@chebucto.ns.ca
Board member, Metro Community Access Network Society.
Board member, Telecommunaute's Canada/Telecommunities Canada.
"Chebucto Freenet, a new kind of community."

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