Current Office Assistant Report

I was formally offered the job at the end of last September. I took the position of Probationary Office Assistant on October 1st. I was promoted on January 1 to the position of Current Office Assistant

It is as the Current Office Assistant that I give this report.


  1. Provide a human point of contact for membership (answer the phone).
  2. Perform day-to-day bookeeping (registering payments).
  3. Monitor system problems and request help from the technical committee (ChrisM).

Initial Problems:

  1. The office was an unusable mess.
  2. No flow structure for problem resolution (give it all to ChrisM)
  3. No procedures manual or directives.
  4. The phone answering machine kept overflowing.

Initial Remediations:

  1. Clean up and redecorate office (include pix).
  2. Started procedures list for: change expiry date, process family/org memberships, mail queue
  3. Created a log book where ALL phone messages are registered. The very serious ones are returned. I have, on a few occasions, managed to clear the saved messages. It is currently at 20.

Catastrophic Failures:

  1. Wifi outages (the manors): Nov-Dec(2weeks), Jan(1), Mar(3)
  2. Email failures (spam attacks > 100K): last Tues, Jan(2), July(1)


Corrie: Please read and add some stuff.
