Financially 2008 was another unsuccessful year for Chebucto Community Net.
We spent more than we took in, again. By a lesser amount than in 2007,
but that was achieved mostly due to Andrew donating half his services for
half of the year. Our income, which is derived almost entirely from
membership fees, decreased by about ten per cent. I remember saying at
last year's AGM that if every existing member brought in one new member we
would be well on the path to recovery. It didn't happen. In fact our
membership declined by twenty-five per cent during the year. Fewer
members need fewer access lines, and we have reduced our costs for these
for the coming year. However, realistically, our expenses are now pared
pretty well as low as we can go while still providing good service. We
raised membership fees for the first time in fifteen years, and we still
think it is very good value at $125 a year (just over $10 a month).
Included in your package is a summary budget for 2009. We feel these
numbers are achievable, and the numbers for the first three months of the
year seem to bear this out. However two very important things should be
noted: the figures are again based on Andrew donating half of his hours,
this year for nine of the twelve months; and we still forecast a deficit.
Obviously this cannot continue ad infinitum.
I would remind you that Chebucto Community Net Society belongs entirely to
the members. It remains in existence only as long as they - YOU - wish
it to. Whatever needs to be done to ensure its survival needs the support
of the members both in coming up with ideas and in putting them into
action. We have two employees, one technical, one
administrative/technical. There are nine (or less) board members, all
voluntary, all with full lives outside CCN, and now that high speed
commercial service provides attractive, if four times more expensive,
competition we need your help to stay alive.
Alan Turner
Chebucto Community Net Society