Communications Committee
Committee Members:
Joan Macintosh, Interim Chair
Vladimir Klonowski
Carole MacDonald
Ken Burke
Joan Brown Hicks
Committee Mandate:
To inform users/supporters and potential users/supporters as well as the
general public about community access networks, the Chebucto FreeNet, and
the Metro*CAN Society.
- Committee reconstituted September 1994
- developed a Communications Plan which was approved by the Board
- in the process of up-dating current publications
- responding to requests from other volunteers for such things as
brochures, overhead transparancies for presentations, etc.
Plans for Coming Year:
- developing new publications to meet specific needs
- planning a range of public awareness activities
Volunteers Needed:
- skilled writers/editors and people with skills in public relations.
- welcome suggestions for news releases, publications, public information
presentations, etc.